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Attitude, Effort, and Teamwork

Attitude, Effort, and Teamwork

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Sign-ups for Dodgeball is not currently open.


  • Dodge ball game or scrimmage is played by two teams, each made up of equal players on both teams. The purpose of each team is to eliminate opposing team members. This is done by striking opposing players with thrown balls or catching balls thrown by opposing players while preventing the opposition from doing the same. All play is subject to restrictions laid down in the rules of dodge ball that is set and maintained separately from these by laws. Dodge ball game rules will be set and agreed by the board and commissioner prior to the start of the season. The purpose of the rules is to create a balance of play; provide reasonable safety and protection; and create an atmosphere of sportsmanship and fair play without unduly limiting freedom of action of individual or team play.
  • All players must have play time (exceptions are no call, no show, no playtime required). Substitutions or adding players are not allowed during tournament play. If a team of 8 shows up to play a team of 10; the team of 10 must only use 8 players; there will be equal players of both teams playing a game or tournament. The children must be on a roster of either team in the scrimmage game.
  • COURT MONITORS AND OFFICIALS. All scrimmages and tournaments will be supervised by Court Monitors and board members. Primary responsibility is to signal the start/end of games and timeouts, keep time and track eligible players. Rules will be enforced primarily by the “honor system.” Players will be expected to rule whether or not a hit was legal or whether they were legally eliminated. Court monitors may warn players and call technical fouls on those who display unsportsmanlike conduct. Any coach having more than two (2) technical fouls in a game will be ejected from the game. NOTE: A Court Monitor is NOT required to warn a coach or player before calling a technical foul. Any team receiving three (3) technical fouls in one game will forfeit that game. When any monitor makes a call, and a player does not exit the play should be stopped until the player exits. Play continues until the monitor’s signal. A player’s or coach request does not stop play – the monitor’s signal does.
  • Rules will be enforced primarily by the “honor system.” Coaches should pay attention and his players will be expected to know whether they were legally eliminated. Court monitors may warn players and call technical fouls on those who display unsportsmanlike conduct. Any player receiving two (2) technical fouls in a game will be ejected from the game. Severe infractions or multiple technical fouls may result in suspension from matches or tournaments. NOTE: A Court Monitor is NOT required to warn a player before calling a technical foul. Any team receiving three (3) technical fouls in one game will forfeit that game.
  • Season will consist of scrimmage games with double elimination tournament at the end of the season for trophy placement. The tournament dates will be set by the board. Item(s) associated with dodge ball can be approved by the commissioner and the WJYAA Board.

Dodgeball Rules

1. Players must have one foot against the rear wall or line, prior to the initial rush for the balls.

2. During the initial rush for the balls, or at any other time a player crosses the “Center Court Line” they could be called out by the official.

3. During the initial rush for the balls, a player that possesses a ball must return his ball to the “Back” line before the ball can be thrown at a defender. At no other time in a match does this apply.

4. If a player is hit directly in the head, by a ball thrown by a defender on the other team they are not “out”. However if the thrown ball is deflected off of another part of the said players body, or if they are in a “ducking” motion and they “duck” into the ball THEY ARE OUT.

5. If a player is deemed “OUT” by the official, that call is final. Official’s decisions will only be overturned by another official who had a better angle of a play. Coaches will be our officials.

6. When a player is called out by the official, they are to exit the playing area via the side court, and go to their bench area. They are not to hang out by the back wall or stage or the back court area of their side of the court.

7. Once a player is called out and they report to their bench area, a player is only permitted to reenter the game if one of their teammates that are still in the game catches a ball thrown by a defender, and they must renter in the order that they were called out by the officials.

8. At no time during the play of a match are players allowed to “hang out” or stay in the area between the back court line and the court, wall. They must stay on the court side of the back line, the side lines and of course the center court line, at all times during play. If this rule is continuously abused by a player or players they could be called out.

9. A player will be called out, if they are hit by a ball thrown by a defender and that player does not catch the ball. A player will be called out, if a defender catches a ball thrown by that player.

10. If a player is using a ball to deflect any balls thrown by a defender and that player looses the ball during a deflection attempt, as a result of the thrown ball hitting the held ball. The player that was holding the ball is deemed out.

11. During play when teams get reduced down to minimal players, teams are not allowed to hoard the balls on their side of the court. Attempts need to be made to equal out the amount of balls that teams have. [Do not throw balls across the court at this point just simply roll them to the other side].


West Jefferson Youth Athletic Association (WJYAA)
P.O. Box 305 

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